Stock Market Prediction
Advanced Stock Price Prediction System using LSTM Neural Networks
A sophisticated stock price prediction system that combines deep learning with interactive visualization. Built using LSTM neural networks for accurate time series prediction and featuring a comprehensive dashboard for real-time stock analysis.
Key Features
LSTM Neural Network
Advanced deep learning model for accurate time series prediction of stock prices.
Interactive Dashboard
Real-time stock analysis with interactive charts and multiple stock comparison capabilities.
Data Preprocessing
Robust data normalization and preprocessing pipeline for accurate predictions.
Multiple Stock Analysis
Compare and analyze multiple stocks simultaneously with detailed metrics.
Technical Indicators
Advanced technical analysis tools and indicators for comprehensive stock analysis.
Project Progress
Stock Price Prediction Model
LSTM neural network model trained on historical stock data to predict future price movements.

Interactive Dashboard
Real-time stock analysis dashboard with multiple visualization options.

Technical Details
Tech Stack
Implementation Details
- LSTM neural network for time series prediction
- Data preprocessing and normalization pipeline
- Interactive visualization with Plotly Dash
- Real-time stock data analysis
- Multiple stock comparison capabilities